Mosquitoes – we don’t care that you RSVP’d. You will be turned away!

We’ve had no mosquitoes the past two years. But that’s an exception. This year we’re rolling out traps designed by a non-profit in Hawaii:

We actually had the engineers at our company research drones with laser mosquito zappers. A university is doing it with surprisingly low powered lasers. But right now it would probably cost more than a car.

Paint 5 gallon buckets black. Traditional mosquito condo color.


Paint sticks with 1% bifenthrin and dry. Fill buckets with 2 gallons water mixed with compost to mimic pond water. Add 2 T. 0.5% spinosad. While not exactly “natural”, one chemical is allowed to be sprayed on organic crops, the other is used in commercial kitchens. Place sticks partly in water.


Cover tightly with 2″ holes in lids so critters don’t drink the water.

The pretend pond water attracts mosquitoes to lay their eggs. The solution in the water prevents the eggs from ever hatching. When the mosquito lands on the stick, it’s days are numbered. 

Make a map of where the traps are! In a few weeks they will be totally overgrown here.


Just in case: testing professional mosquito fogger, good for 6 hours. Safe for people 15 minutes after application.

We’ll also have natural repellant and OFF! in case any mosquito sneaks in.

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